Saylor's Delite PWD



Crate Training

  • If possible you might consider purchasing 2 crates – a small one for puppy days and then a large one for adult life. Suggestions for crates:
  • You will need to crate train your puppy for the entire first year ofit's life.

Crate Training tips:

  • When the puppy is small and has just gone to his/her forever home with you, put the small crate in the bed with you so the puppy is so close to you that it feels very secure and will sleep well (and so will you).  You can put your fingers through the crate during the night.  Slowly as the puppy grows and gets more comfortable with its new home, you can move the crate to the floor beside your bed.  
  • Put the puppy in the crate to sleep. When the puppy wakes up from a nap, immediately take the puppy outside and say “potty” (go potty, hurry up - what ever your potty word is that you select). When the puppy eliminates, make a BIG HUGE deal. Really pet it and give it SO much praise (give it a treat if you want to).  

  • Take the puppy back inside and play with it. If it is time for it to eat, then feed it. If you are not playing with it, or holding it,etc., then put it back inside the crate. Don't leave it alone to roam around the house very long or there will be accidents.

  • Remember each time the puppy wakes up, take it outside immediately to potty. This is KEY. If you see the puppy roaming around and smelling –that is an indication it is looking for a place to potty. When you take it outside, take it to the same place each time.

  • Key times to take the puppy to the potty: First thing in the morning, after play/exercise, within 15 mins after meals, after waking up from a nap, after coming out of the crate, before being put in the crate, just before bedtime.

  • Google “crate training” for More information.

  • If your puppy eliminates on the towel or bedding inside the crate, then remove it. Sometimes you have to do this and let it just sleep on the flat tray. It will be fine. Don't worry. Just don't allow it to eliminate on bedding.

  • Our dogs have become to love their crates and they will sleep in them with the doors open.

  • Also, after feeding your puppy, wait 10 to 15 minutes – then take the puppy out to see if it will have a bowel movement.

Tractor Supply Co - Natural Pine 

Pelletized Bedding for the POTTY AREA

Starting around 5-7 weeks, we start using Natural Pine Pelletized Bedding from Tractor Supply Co in their "Litter" Box.  The pups are accustomed to the smell of it in their potty area.  A thought would be to buy a bag of these pellets from Tractor Supply and put some of these pellets in the area of your yard designated to be the POTTY AREA for your new Puppy.  Then when you take your pup out to "go potty", take them to this Pellet area.


  • You should feed your dog a very high protein diet. Look at the protein content percentage on the ingredients list.

  • We do NOT recommend having any corn in the food.

  • Look on the back of the dog food for the ingredients list. The first ingredient should be protein meat of some sort (Salmon, Chicken, Bison, Venison, Beef, etc).

  • You can feed your dog a raw diet – research it.

  • Salmon Oil Supplement-. We recommend purchasing Samon Oil Supplement to help with their coat. He /she will love it. You can put this directly on the dry food.

  • Make sure your dog will allow you to put your hands in and around their food. Do not allow them to growl when your hands are around their food. The puppy needs to know that you are the ALPHA. There are techniques that you can use – Please study up on this.

  • If you feel your puppy is not eating well, then you can order “TOMLYNTom Lyn Nutri-Cal Puppy Dietary Supplement” from Amazon. This is a high quality vitamin supplement that will help them gain weight.

  • If your puppy has an upset stomach, then try cooked white rice to give them. Another option is canned pumpkin or a pumpkin supplement.

  • The puppy should be on a PUPPY FOOD for the first full year of his/her life.

  • Currently we send our puppies home eating the following:

  • Adult Dog Food Recommendations:
    • As stated - the first ingredient should be protein meat of some sort (Salmon, Chicken, Bison, Venison, Beef, etc).  The first ingredient should not be a "meal".  It should have high protein and contain some taurine.
    • Note - that OSCAR is sensitive to Chicken in his food
      • We have taken Oscar off food with Chicken in it - we have switched him to Salmon, Turkey foods
      • If you have a puppy from us - and the Pup has red eyes, licking feet, ear issues, breath issues - try switching OFF of any chicken in their diet.  We have had another pup report being sensitive to Chicken. 

Puppy Feeding 

Puppies should eat 3 times a day from weaning through 4 to 6 months, if possible. After 6 months, twice-a-day feedings are fine.


Not recommended:

Stuffed toys (when they are > 1 yr old) and rawhides – they will destroy these toys and leave a mess in your house – you can probably used stuffed toys when they are puppies but NOT as adult dogs – destruction and a total mess.


OSCAR with a West Paw Toy - Telling us all about it!


Benebone Brand, West Paw Brand, Kong Balls, Petstages Dogwood

Get a METAL bucket for these toys – don't put them into anything they can chew.

LARGE knotted ropes to clean their teeth and for tug-of-war. When these Ropes get worn out, stringy, throw them away. They do not need to eat the rope! You may end up in the VET hospital in surgery.  Be sure to throw them away if worn and stringy.

This breed likes to eat sticks so give them wood flavor toys that are safe - like the Benebones, and Petstages.


  • Take the puppy to dog parks and on walks AFTER they are vaccinated. They need to be FULLY vaccinated prior to going around other dogs and/or going to where other dogs have eliminated. The puppy could catch a disease prior to being fully vaccinated. Please ask your veterinarian when it is safe for your puppy to go out into public.



  • Play with their feet often so they don't mind you touching their paws.  Start trimming your puppies nails immediately and do it at least once a week – maybe more often. Just the “act” of it will make them get used to the process.  

  • Brush your dog often to avoid matting. If it matts, you will be forced to clip close and cut most of their hair completely off. So BRUSH OFTEN. Recommend a Slicker Brush PetSlickerBrush, or this Higher priced slicker brush (which is recommended by tons of PWD owners ) and/or a Mane and Tail Brush

  • If you are going to groom your puppy, then go ahead and purchase high quality clippers and get him/her used to the clipper noise. We recommend Andis UltraEdge Super 2-Speed.  Get a an Andis ultra edge size 30blade to go with it. Make sure your dog is clean when you clip or it will dull the blade. Make sure you get blade spray to cool the blade. Make sure to get oil for the clippers also. 

  • An inexpensive set of clippers to have around for quick clean ups is a brand called Hold Dog.  Keep these clippers charged so that you can keep their "behind" area clipped shorter.  You don't want to get into a situation where they have a lot of hair there and they end up having "nuggets" caught in the hair - bad for them and bad for you.  So keep their bottom area clipped short and sanitize your clippers afterwards.

  • Just note – the more the puppy gets used to you grooming them when you can handle (puppy size) them easier – the better. And remember that clippers are safer than scissors. Scissors can pull the coat into the scissors and you can accidentally cut the puppy's skin. The clippers are so much safer to cut away matted hair. You will need a good pair of scissors for trimming though.
  • Use a dog safe conditioner on your dog after you shampoo while they are wet. Also recommend an oatmeal based shampoo. You can use coconut oil in their hair to condition it after you dry them off and leave this oil in their coat. They can eat/lick the coconut oil and it will be ok. In fact, you can add coconut oil to their food for their coat.

  • Recommend to keep the dog in a “retriever” clip in warmer climates in the spring/summer due to the heat. The dog will be much happier and cooler. You can let the hair grow out some in the winter months. We leave the hair little longer on their heads.

  • If you plan on taking your puppy/adult dog to the groomer, the groomer will require their vaccination records so be prepared to bring them with you.

  • Invest in a good ear cleaner and clean their ears often.  These dogs can have thick ear hair so pay attention to their ears please.  

  • Teeth– start brushing their teeth when they are puppies so they are used to it.

Swimming -

Even though these dogs were bred to swim – there are instructions on doing so. Here is a link to help:

Introduce your puppy to the water early - let it play in a bathtub of water, buy a small baby pool for it to play in - these are water dogs - so put them in the water as a puppy for them to learn and enjoy. Remember - don't leave them alone in the water.

Miscellaneous Information from SD PWDs

  • Veterinarian Records for Our Puppies - Moores Mill Animal Hospital; 2120 Moores Mill Rd, Auburn, AL 36830, (334)821-7739
  • OFA Eye Testing For Our Gals and Guys - Auburn University Veterinarian School
  • SD PWD Pinterest – I share tips and items that I use for my PWDs – Check it out.
  • Car Sick – For Puppy – give liquid Benadryl; Adult – can give Benadryl tablets (adult) or the liquid (puppy)
  • If your dog seems restless and barks at you – then it could need:

    • to go to the bathroom

    • might need exercise – play with it, walk it, play tug-of-war

    • hungry and/or thirsty

  • Always provide fresh water for your dog
  • Keep any food AWAY from the counter edge– it will steal the food. This breed is notorious for “Counter surfing”. It can counter surf in the kitchen and in the bathroom.  They will Counter surf on the Dining Room Table, bathroom counter, kitchen counter, - any ledge they can barley reach - and get things you would not believe they would chew on.  Put "things" away - way up high.  

  • Close the lids on your toilets and close the doors to your bathrooms.

  • Have covers on your trash cans or close the doors to where your trash cans are located.

  • Use 1 to 2 syllable words for commands. NO, Good Girl, Good boy, Sit,Stay, OFF!, UP, Down (use hand motions when teaching). Praise and pet when they do something good! Make a HUGE deal when they do good things.

  • Again– this breed is active and requires exercise. Play with it and be firm with it. They will love you the most!

  • PUT AWAY – your shoes, purses, medicine bottles, inhalers (they are toxic to dogs), chocolate (toxic), nice sweaters – anything that they can chew. Instead give them a toy. Buy some bitter spray to spray on furniture legs just in case. We have not had a ton of trouble with them chewing on furniture but some do this. Just be safe and buy some “bitters” spray. Watch them, know where they are so that they are not chewing on something they should not be.

  • Zoomies– PWDS are known to get the “zoomies”at night around 6 to 7pm – especially if they haven't been exercised during the day. Zoomies remedies: Tug-of-war, a long walk, a run, fetch, lots ofpetting – EXERCISE.

  • OVER EXERCISE - some PWD owners have reported when their dogs OVER exercise they get the zoomies - so if this is the case - put them in their crate or calm them down - pet them to calm them down.  They could be over stimulated.  
  • We highly recommend you have your Dog vaccinated against the Canine Leptospirosis.  This is found in warm water in the later summer/fall.  Ask your Veterinarian about this Vaccine so that your dog is protected when he/she goes into any water.

Puppy Go-Home 


Before the anticipated day that your new little one comes to his/her forever home, make preparations. Purchase the crate(s), bedding, extra towels, food, durable toys, liquid Benadryl for the trip home, portable water bowl, brush, scissors, clippers, etc - most items you will find here recommended on this page.  

For the trip home, we recommend you have some children's Benadryl for car sickness, some bath towels, and some paper towels in the car - just in case you need them.  

Benadryl is an antihistamine which can suppress sickness by blocking signals sent to the vomiting center in the brain, and it may also help to keep your dog calmer. If you choose to give your dog Benadryl to aid their motion sickness, opt for the plain formula which uses diphenhydramine as the sole active ingredient. The typical dose is 0.4 ml/lb of liquid, and should be administered about 30 minutes before your planned journey so the effects have time to kick in.


Saylor's Delite Pinterest Page

Tips and Tricks from Saylor's Delite 

AKC Links Link

AKC Portuguese Water Dog Link

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  • Groupson Facebook:

    • PortugueseWaterdogs world wide;

    • PWD-L- Portuguese Water Dog List

    • ILove My PWD! -